Be Internet Citizens
School Assemblies
Creative Assets
Creative Assets
Emoji Reactions
Student Education Packs
Phone Stickers
Be Internet Citizens
Be Internet Citizens

Be Internet Citizens is an ace new initiative from Google and YouTube, designed to teach teenagers how to be creative, express themselves and belong online. Covering everything from media literacy to critical thinking and digital citizenship, it encourages young people to have a positive voice on the web.

School Assemblies
School Assemblies

Fronted by a squad of influential YouTube creators, Be Internet Citizens hosts educational assemblies at schools across the UK.

Creative Assets
Creative Assets

I was creative lead on the initiative at Toaster London, across all creative development, copywriting and accompanying campaign assets.

Creative Assets
Creative Assets
Emoji Reactions
Emoji Reactions

Kids can easily express their feelings and answer questions throughout the sessions by holding up familiar emoji reactions.

Student Education Packs
Student Education Packs
Phone Stickers
Phone Stickers